Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Process Write Up- Uncomfortable

So in the beginning, I was having a lovely dinner with my parents and boyfriend at Rockfish, a nice little place in the middle of The Woodlands mall. While contemplating what I should do for my video, inspiration slapped me in the face. I exclaim in the resturant, I need to shout penis in public. My wonderful family was actually thrilled I was going to do this, and my mother was eager to tape it. So I run out to touch the pole, look around make sure there were no cops that could end this too soon, and make sure there weren't that many children. Then it began, the shouting of penis, I totally made my family proud. I almost felt bad to yell penis in front of the old lady, but... I didn't feel bad enough to stop. :] You can't see in this that there were about 30 people all starring at me awkwardly, I think I accomplished this mission.

This is art people. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. this is a very interesting solution to the project and took guts.
