Out of the four categories, I had alot of ease with closure as well as continuance. I feel like I didn't experience any issues with these two so I feel like my compositions that were chosen reflected the desired theme without a lot of guessing. I made a few that were slightly more obscure to figure out that I felt were nicer compositions, but I didn't include them in the winners pile only because it means nothing if I'm the only one in the room that gets it. I attempted to be more straightforward with this project.
As for proximity and similarity, as I was going along with it I felt I was using the same ideas over and over just in different angles. So I wasn't too pleased with that, also proximity I had a habit of taking a monstrously large dot and trying to balance it off with very small dots. These didn't work out so well especially when I couldn't find a hole punch big enough! So it threw off the mechanics of them even more when I tried improvising. Aside from this technical difficulty that was the only issue I found with this project.
Personally, I think most of the compositions had a good ratio of positive and negative space, and the ones that didn't were just left out of my final 16! Here is the image of my final four, I'll let you guys decide if they work.
Ignore my blue toes. :]
nice toes.